What we do
Native Plants Queensland is a non-professional organisation that is open to anyone interested in studying, growing and conserving Australian plants. Our motto is ‘Cultivation, Conservation, Education’.
We aim to:
- Preserve Australian native flora by promoting its introduction into gardens
- Improve existing species by breeding and selection
- Interest nurseries in propagating and supplying Australian native plants to the public.
We aim to:
- Advocate the establishment of National Parks, Flora Reserves and Botanic Gardens for the preservation of flora, and for the enjoyment and education of the public
- Promote the conservation of Australian native plants and their habitats
- Obey and strengthen the laws and regulations for the preservation of the flora.
We aim to
- Record and publish information on Australian native plants
- Support research into Australian native plants.
To support all these aims, we also encourage the establishment of Native Plants Queensland Branches across the region; and establish and maintain connections with organisations having compatible aims.
Our Activities
Meetings and Outings
Native Plants Queensland has regular meetings, providing members with the opportunity to meet and exchange information. Attendees also bring plant and flower specimens to share with the group. Speakers are invited to present various topics of interest. An Annual General Meeting is held in April for the Queensland Region, and between January and March for Branches.
We also arrange various excursions and garden visits to see plants in their natural habitat and in cultivation, thus providing the opportunity to learn about different aspects of our native flora.
Flower Show and Plant Markets
We hold our Native Flower Show and Plant Market in Spring where a wide range of native flowers and plants are displayed. Plant sales, book sales, a plant information stand and many other displays are regular features. Many of our branches hold their own local flower shows, as well as contributing to the regional show.
Native Plant Markets are held throughout the year in locations all around the state. Native Plants Queensland also exhibits Australian plants in conjunction with various Show Societies and other organisations. Click here to find out about our next market.
Gatherings and Conferences
Native Plants Queensland holds biennial regional conferences, or ‘Yabbas’, in different areas of the state. The emphasis of these conferences is on the flora of that particular region and its habitats. Various tours are an optional, and highly recommended, part of these conferences. The annual Bill Tulloch Memorial Lecture, is usually presented during the conference.
Native Plants Queensland is a part of a national body, the Australian Native Plants Society of Australia (ANPSA), which holds a biennial conference and seminar in each state on a rotational basis. These conferences provide an important link between members from the different areas of Australia and present programmes of wide interest. The conferences are usually accompanied by excursions to interesting scenic and botanic areas within the host State.
Community Projects
Native Plants Queensland is involved in community projects in many areas, giving assistance with revegetation plantings, providing technical advice, giving talks to community groups and schools, and compiling flora lists of specific areas.
Helpful Resources
The Native Plants Queensland Journal is posted to members quarterly. It carries details of all meetings and activities of the Queensland region and its branches as well as articles on a wide range of topics relating to native plants in Queensland.
In addition to the quarterly magazine, Native Plants Queensland produces a number of publications on various topics relating to Australian native plants. These can be found on sale at our Native Plant Markets.
Second hand books original part of the NPQ region library are now available for purchase by members from our online shop. Click here to visit the shop (log in required). Many branches also have their own libraries with borrowing privileges for their members.
Seed Bank
Members are entitled to receive free seed from the Native Plants Queensland Seed Bank. This is an important service of the organisation. It allows members to propagate many species that are not readily available. In doing so, members obtain valuable information on the germination and cultivation of these species under different conditions. Seed held in the Seed Bank is donated by members, so availability can be variable. Click here to learn about our seed bank.
Study Groups
There are more than thirty specialist Study Groups within the Society, which carry out studies on various plant families (e.g. Acacia, Banksia, Grevillea, etc.) or on native plants for certain purposes (e.g. Container plants, Rainforest plants, Wallum plants, etc.). These Study Groups consist of Native Plants Queensland members as well as members of Native Plant Societies from all over Australia. Membership is usually by a small subscription. Joining a Study Group adds a new dimension to the enjoyment of belonging to Native Plants Queensland. Click here to learn about Study Groups.
Are you are interested in learning more about Australian plants, and how to grow native plants suitable for your home garden or local community project? Would you like to support the conservation of our native plants and their habitats? We welcome you to attend a meeting as a visitor and learn about Native Plants Queensland membership.
History + Structure
In 1957, the inaugural meeting of the Society for Growing Australian Plants (SGAP) was held in Melbourne. Welcoming members from around Australia, the Society’s purpose was to study and develop the horticultural potential of Australian native plants and to preserve them through cultivation.
The national association is now known as the Australian Native Plants Society (Australia) (ANPSA) and it comprises eight affiliated but autonomous regional societies (one for each of the six Australian states plus the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory). Each regional society independently manages their own administration, membership, activites and local branches.
Native Plants Queensland is the trading name (adopted in 2015) of the society for the Queensland Region. We have over 1000 members across the state, many of whom have also joined one of our 19 local branches. Click ‘Your Local Branch’ at the top of the page to find your nearest branch.
Our logo, featured above, represents Queensland’s floral emblem, the Cooktown Orchid (Dendrobium bigibbum).
Native Plants Queensland is managed by our Queensland Regional Council, under the terms of our Constitution and Rules (PDF).
Other Native Plant Societies around Australia
Australian Native Plant Society (Australia)
Australian Native Plant Society Canberra Region
The Wildflower Society of Western Australia
Australian Plants Society Victoria
Australian Plants Society Tasmania
Australian Plants Society SA Region
Australian Plants Society NSW
Top End Native Plant Society
To celebrate the Society’s 50th anniversary in 2007, the Society’s Victorian Region published a comprehensive history researched and written by John Walter.
This book is available to purchase in our online store.
Position Statements
The below position statements to communicate our position on key native plant related issues.
Mountain Bike Trails + Renewable Energy and Native Vegetation
Native Plants Queensland supports the ANPSA position statement on these two issues. Click below to read the statements.