Geoff Simmons Bequest

In 2006, an early NPQ member, Geoff Simmons, bequeathed a sum of money to the Society “to use for the purpose of encouraging or providing for the collection and distribution of seeds from plants native to Queensland”

The Society encourages applications for Grants under the terms of the Bequest.

Forest mist

What Projects are eligible?

The primary aim of the Bequest is to encourage the collection and propagation of seed of Queensland native plants, particularly those not yet in cultivation and/or not otherwise available. Priority will be given to projects that directly increase the prospects of increased horticultural use of these plants, however projects which contribute to the conservation of, or increased knowledge of the target species by other means will also be considered. Funding of up to $2000 may be provided for specific targeted seed collection projects. Larger amounts may be granted to support longer term projects, including the establishment and operation of non-profit native plant nurseries targeting species new to cultivation.

Seed Collection Grants

For our purposes, seed is considered to include any plant material that can be propagated, including cuttings.

If you are seeking a grant to support a seed collection project, you will need to satisfy the Society that you have the skills to identify and successfully collect the target species, and that you have, or will get any necessary collection permits.

Other factors that would be favourably considered include, your preparedness to provide a proportion of seed collected for the Society’s propagation programs, or for the use of other research institutions; and your willingness to present your findings to a general meeting of the Society’s members, if appropriate.

Seed collection grant applications will generally be processed within 60 days of the application being received, and are designed to cover costs such as transport and accommodation for seed collecting trips. While in special cases the Society may fund the entire cost of your trip, generally we prefer that you find additional funding sources to at least match the funds provided under the grant.

Nursery Support grants

The Society will consider two types of project. Nursery establishment projects may seek assistance for the establishment of a new native plant propagation facility. This is aimed at encouraging NPQ branches to develop an active plant propagation program. The maximum funding available for this form of grant is $5000, and is available to each group once only, recognising that most propagation facilities become self funding through the sale of plants after the first year.

Established NPQ or Community nurseries may apply for a Propagation Project grant. This is designed to assist in covering expenses for propagation projects that are not self funding, and may cover costs associated with collecting and propagating rare plants, including for restocking wild populations in protected landscapes.

As with seed collection grants, nursery support grant applicants will need to satisfy the society that they have the necessary skills and permits to carry out the program for which the grant is sought. Preference will be given to members of the society, but others are encouraged to apply.

Major Project Grants

Applications for grants covering extended projects not covered in the categories outlined above, may be sought by annual expressions of interest, if funds allow.

Expressions of interest will be advertised in December, and applications will generally be considered in February each year for the subsequent twelve months. Project funding will be competitive, and will be limited to a maximum of $50 000 in total in any one year. Additional requirements may be imposed on such major grants, and if you are interested, further information should be sought.

For further in formation and enquiries contact either:

NPQ Secretary – or

Simmons Bequest Sub-committee,
PO Box 586, Fortitude Valley Q 4006.