Hoop Pine

Araucaria cunninghamii



Araucaria cunninghamii var. cunninghamii


Large to very large tree to 50 m high, with a distinctive crown shape; trunk columnar; bark dark greyish brown, rough, scaly with narrow horizontal scales. Buds and stems hairless, green; stipules absent.

Leaves simple, alternate; lamina scale-like, lanceolate, curved, 4–12 mm long, 1.5–3 mm wide, apex pointed, green, stiff, apparently veinless; leaves closely crowded and overlapping along the branchlets; juvenile leaves longer and straighter than adult leaves, 10–20 mm long, spinose; apparently veinless or 1-veined with only midvein apparent; petiole indistinct.

Male and female cones on the same plant, terminal on lateral branchlets, flowers absent; male cones cylindrical, 5–8 cm long.

Fruiting cones globose to ovoid, up to 12 cm long, cone scales ending in recurved spines; seeds 2–2.5 cm long, flattened, not winged, embedded and shed in cone scales when cone breaks up.

Illustration of leaves & fruit

Habitat and Distribution:

In STRf, WTRf, CTRf, DRf, LRf  and sometimes in Swamp Rf, but often on the poorer or rocky soils or after previous major disturbance; occurs as a common emergent tree in DRf; north from the Macleay River, N.S.W., to northern Cape York Peninsula.


Cultivated for its timber.

Only the type variety grows in Australia.

Juvenile foliage

Juvenile leaves

Adult foliage

Mature male cones

Fruiting cones

Fruiting cone

Fruiting cone with shed cone scales, seeds embedded in cone scales

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