Joining or Renewing Your Membership
Terms and Conditions of Membership
When applying for membership you are asked to confirm (by tick box on the online form or by signature on the PDF form) that you have read and accepted the rules of the society and our privacy policy as follows.
Native Plants Queensland Constitution and Rules (click to view PDF).
Privacy & Data Protection Policy:
Native Plants Queensland respects the privacy of current and past members. Details of our members are advised to our Region and Branch officers and Queensland based Study group leaders for use only in accordance with the Society’s Objectives. Summary details (name & district only) of new members are published in our Journal.
Membership data is collected and managed via our online software, Wild Apricot. Information on Wild Apricot’s security and data protection policies can be found here
Online payments are processed using the secure payment gateways provided by and You do not need to register with to make payment—you can use your regular debit or credit card. We do not store any of your debit/credit card details.
Memberships are available only within Australia. Membership with NPQ may be taken out by individuals or organisations. Please supply full names for all parties for both insurance purposes.
Payment is taken in Australian dollars.
Paying your membership fees
You can now pay your application or renewal fees via credit/debit card online using the secure payment facility on this website.
If you are applying to join, please complete the membership application and follow the directions. If you are a renewing member, login to your profile to renew online.
On the payment screen, or in the email you receive, simply click: ‘Pay online’ and follow the instructions.
Alternatively, you can choose pay by direct deposit, cheque or at your local NPQ branch meeting.
Complete the online membership application as above, or login to your existing membership profile and click ‘renew’.
When you get to the payment screen, click ‘Invoice me’ and this will generate an invoice which you can view online, and which will also be emailed to you.

You can then pay your invoice in one of the following ways:
Direct Deposit to Westpac account
Society for Growing Australian Plants Queensland Region Inc T/A Native Plants Queensland.
BSB: 034001 Account No.: 631379
Please enter your invoice number as the reference on the direct deposit.
Cheque made payable to Native Plants Queensland
Please write your invoice number on the back of the cheque.
Post to: Membership Officer, PO Box 5702, BRENDALE QLD 4500
At your local NPQ branch meeting
Joining a branch (or Study Group) is an optional extra to your membership of Native Plants Queensland, and most groups charge a small additional fee to cover their local administration and meeting costs.
Many NPQ branches will accept payment for the Native Plants Queensland membership, together with the additional fee for local branch participation. Those intending to join their local branch should contact the branch treasurer for payment options.
Alternatively, you may still pay for your Native Plants Queensland membership online as above, and when you attend your local meeting you can pay just the branch fee at that time.
At a Native Plants Queensland event
There may be opportunities during the year, such as at plant sales, to pay your membership fees in person by cash, cheque or money order. Some events also have EFTPOS facilities.
Tax Information
Native Plants Queensland
is the trading name for Society for Growing Australian Plants (Queensland Region) Incorporated
PO Box 586, Fortitude Valley 4006
ABN: 92 312 012 800
We are not registered for GST and do not issue tax invoices.