Australian Native Plant Societies Study Groups

Special interest study groups are set up through our national association, the Australian Native Plants Society (Australia) (ANPSA). Each group focuses on a particular aspect of native plants (usually a genus or a related group of genera).

Banksia aemula

Study Group activities may include:

  • Collecting observations and information on aspects such as cultivation, propagation and ecology (which is undertaken by individual members and collated by the group leader).
  • Conducting group field trips to visit special locations and see native plants in their natural habitat.
  • Holding occasional meetings with speakers, discussions or demonstrations
  • Producing a group newsletter to publish collated findings, and share useful information (some groups have also produced books).

As groups have varying numbers of members Australia-wide, the frequency of in-person activities can be irregular. Some groups which are active in Queensland are included in our calendar and you may also see selected recent events & articles posted to this website.

To learn more about a study group and their current activities:

  • Check out the ANPSA website which has a page for each group, including an archive of informative newsletters and other resources.
  • Get in touch with the group leader via the contact forms on the above ANPSA study group pages, or the ANPSA Study Group Coordinator at or our Native Plants Queensland Study Groups

Joining a Study Group

Study Groups allow you to develop your interest in a specific group of plants to its fullest extent and to contribute in a practical way to the body of knowledge on Australian flora. These groups have been in­stru­mental in discovering many new species and forms of Australian plants and their contributions have lead to the introduction of many of these new species and forms into horticulture.

Most study groups have seed banks to which members have access. Some have display kits, herbariums, and/or living collections of plants. All study groups issue member newsletters, filled with useful and interesting information.

No particular skills are required to join a study group, just a willingness to observe and to learn about our wonder­ful native plants.

To join a study group you must be a member of an ANPSA affiliated regional society, which for Queensland is Native Plants Queensland. A number of study groups have no joining fee and newsletters are by email, while others do charge a membership fee to cover newsletter costs. Study Group fees are due at the end of June each year.

Study groups which are active in Queensland include Australian Food Plants, Eremophilia, Fern, Garden Design, Grevillea, and Wallum and Coastal Heathland. We also have a Small Plants Discussion Group.

To find out more or join, please contact the ANPSA Study Group Coordinator at or our Native Plants Queensland Study Groups Liaison Officer at

Forming a new Study Group

There are still a number of genera of Australian plants not under study at the present time. If you are interested in forming a new study group, please contact the ANPSA Study Group Coordinator at

Current Study Groups

Australian Pea Flowers
Australian Plants for Containers
Eucalyptus; including Angophora and Corymbia
Australian Food Plants*
Garden Design*
Isopogon and Petrophile
Wallum and Coastal Heathland*

* All study groups are open to members from around Australia, and are not confined to any specific region. However, we have ‘starred’ those that have leaders or members who are active in Queensland. Some of these activities are included on our calendar.

If you are interested in any study group, please contact the ANPSA Study Group Coordinator at or our Native Plants Queensland Study Groups Liaison Officer at

You can read more about each group, and also access their archive of newsletters, through the ANPSA website.

Books produced by Study Groups

From time to time, the study groups produce books or booklets which are offered for sale. The following are a few that are available.

Wattles are Golden
This is a 40-page booklet containing extracts from 100 Acacia Study Group Newsletters. It is generally available from the Acacia Study Group.

Australian Brachyscomes
A 270-page book covering 74 species of Brachyscome daisies. Includes colour photographs, line drawings, descriptions, cultivation, propagation and other information on the species. Contact the Australian Daisy Study Group for price.

Everlasting Daisies of Australia
A 196-page book that aims to encourage the appreciation and use of these everlasting daisies of Australia. Includes chapters on growing, propagation, reproduction and hybridization, floral arrangements and floriculture. There are detailed descriptions of species illustrated with beautiful colour photographs. Available from the Australian Daisy Study Group for $47.50 in Australia or $67.50 overseas. These prices include postage and packaging.

Eremophilas – The Study Group Newsletter 1972 – 1985
A 125-page booklet which is the edited collection of Eremophila Study Group Newsletters from the first one issued to No. 31 in April 1985. Please contact the Eremophila Study Group for price.

Eremophilas for the Garden
A 72-page book (A5 size) containing descriptions, cultivation notes and distribution of 67 Eremophila species considered suitable for cultivation. There is a colour photograph for each species. Eremophilas are exclusively Australian and come from the drier areas of our country. Please contact the Eremophila Study Group for details and price.

The Australian Garden: Designing with Australian Plants
This book is based on the work of the Garden Design Study Group over the last nine years. It covers the process of design, step by step, understanding the site and preparing a plan. Various unique Australian garden styles are described. There are excellent photographs to illustrate the subject and interpret the visual qualities of our Australian landscapes. Please contact the Garden Design Study Group for details and price.