Welcome to

Native Plants Queensland

We are a community-based organisation committed to growing, conserving and studying Australian plants

Propagating and growing native plants for beautiful, sustainable, fauna-friendly gardens and public spaces

Preserving and protecting native plant habitats to maintain the incredible diversity of our Australian flora

Sharing native plant knowledge and expertise through information guides and in-person activities

Renew your membership today – All membership renewals are due on the 1st April 2024

Click here for step-by-step instructions.

(Note: A small percentage of Apple devices using Safari browser may not be able to log in. If you experience issues please try to log in via this alternative site – https://npq.wildapricot.org/ or alternatively switch to Google Chrome or a Windows device if possible. This is an issue with Wild Apricot, our membership software provider, so it is out of our control.) 

Events & Markets


Enjoy exclusive

member benefits

  • Take part in bush walks, garden visits, guest speaker events & propagation groups
  • Obtain free native plant seed from the NPQ Seed bank
  • Receive a copy of our quarterly journal
  • Access native plant articles & much more in the Members Only section of this website


A small percentage of Apple devices using Safari browser may not be able to log in. If you experience issues please try to log in via this alternative site – https://npq.wildapricot.org/ or alternatively switch to Google Chrome or a Windows device if possible. This is an issue with Wild Apricot, our membership software provider, so it is out of our control. 

For more information please email webmanager@npq.org.au

Native Plant Information


Guilfoylia monostylis


NPQ members have exclusive access to our expansive blog & database. Featuring regularly updated Journal & branch newsletters articles.

Wahlenbergia graniticola


A selection of articles & information from our Members Only Blog. A great place to start learning about native plants, fauna & the environment.



Read or download a collection of native plant & gardening how-to guides created by some of our knowledgeable & very talented members.

 Next Major Event

Samford Native Plants Market

March/April – Date TBC

Video presentation by renowned Landscape Architect & long time NPQ member, Lawrie Smith AM.

This presentation was part of the recent Australian Native Plants Society Australia Biennial Conference hosted by The Australian Plants Society – NSW

Presentation topic: Garden design – The past informs the present and the future!

There are three themes:

1. Building on Country: What key principles, derived from the First Nations peoples’ traditional knowledge and understanding of the unique Australian environment, and specifically the flora, should be valued and applied to inform planning and design of sustainable native landscapes and gardens of today and the future?

2. Australian garden style: Native garden photographs from the Garden Design Study Group show the design expertise of each gardener and the differing garden character from one region to another. There can be no single ‘Australian Style’. What are the implications?

3. Promotion of native flora: Our plant societies are very involved and accomplished in spreading the message about native plants – but are we missing ways to inform and communicate more successfully with the general gardening community to increase their acceptance of native plants in residential garden design?

Subscribe to our newsletter
Non-members can subscribe here to receive email updates on our native plant markets (including a plant list ahead of time), plus upcoming informational events and local meetings.